WOW it's been over a month since I last posted. I have a bunch of pictures to share but they'll have to wait for another day. I had to share this funny thing about Peyton before I forget. He has learned the art of knock-knock jokes & even though his doesn't make complete sense it's still pretty dang funny to hear him. Here's how it goes:
Peyton: Mommy-Knock-Knock
Mommy: Who's there?
Peyton: Me-you
Mommy: Me-you who?
Peyton: Knock-knock...
The same thing is repeated over & over again until we are both laughing. Maybe it's only funny to us since he's ours but it's really hard not to smile when Peyton is smiling.
Kent went to 3 out of 5 days of VBS & I think for him that's good. He is so bored this summer he asks at least once a week when is he going back to school. I'm trying to enjoy every minute with him while I can because it's sneaking up on me that he goes to school this time next year.
Jeff & I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on June 29th at Fine in Wake Forest. It is currently our favorite sushi place because we didn't have to spend a fortune on dinner like we normally do each year. Its hard to believe that it's already been 7 years but we say that every year.
First snow 2012
13 years ago
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