Today we went to the New Hope Railway Musuem in New Hill, NC just outside of Apex. It was an interesting experience to say the least. The place is rather small but they have a really neat model train set up that the kids loved to walk around. We took a one hour ride on the Steam Engine train & as it was pulling back into the station some idiot ran right into the middle of the train! So we were on the train an extra hour because the State Highway Patrol needed everyone's name, address & phone number that was on the train. Here are some pictures from our wild adventure :)
Wow! Your boys have grown so much since I've seen them last! It looks like you all had a lot of fun on this trip, except for the wreckage! Thanks for the comment on my post :) Fascinating Womanhood really is a wonderful book, and I'm not even done reading it! I think everyone who is married should read it, because the author hits every sore spot that I've seen in marriages, and have experienced in my relationship and incorporates passages in the Bible, which really hits home. Hope to see hear from you again soon!
Wow! Your boys have grown so much since I've seen them last! It looks like you all had a lot of fun on this trip, except for the wreckage! Thanks for the comment on my post :) Fascinating Womanhood really is a wonderful book, and I'm not even done reading it! I think everyone who is married should read it, because the author hits every sore spot that I've seen in marriages, and have experienced in my relationship and incorporates passages in the Bible, which really hits home. Hope to see hear from you again soon!
Oooh, that train ride looks like fun (minus the station wagon hitting the train!) My children love train rides!
~ Sarah
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