Sorry its been so long! I haven't spent much time at the computer other than to check email lately. We had a long Easter Weekend. On Friday we went to Pullen Park, Saturday evening we went to Pawpaw's birthday party & saw lots of family & friends, then on Sunday we went to Nana's for lunch & then to Mawmaw's for the afternoon. Kent had 3 Easter Egg Hunts! (School, Mawmaws & Nana's) Needless to say the two boys got WAY more Easter Candy than they could eat in a year so Mommy & Daddy helped them out but it still took about a month to finish it all off! The Easter Bunny brought a Cabbage Patch Boy Doll to Peyton & a Tattoo Kit to Kent. Here are some pictures from the weekend.
Pullen Park - check back soon there may be more pictures from the Park coming.
Kent & Tayven riding in the boats

Want some? It's yummy, just look at my face :)

Peyton on the carosel

PawPaw's Party
Getting ready to leave

I was trying really hard to get a picture of Peyton in this outfit before he outgrew it. The hat was ridiculously small & this was the best shot I could get of it.

This is a neat shot of him running away from me :)

Loves the Vroom-vroom!

Nana's Easter Egg Hunt
It's a ball, It's a ball, It's big & round & green & It's a ball!

The boys finding their first eggs, next year baby Faith will be able to join in the fun!



Kent eating candy - once he realized the eggs had something in them he lost interest in finding them, I guess next year it will dawn on him that the more he finds the more candy he gets :)

Peyton running around...he looks so happy in this one!