I wanted to do something different with the boys Easter pictures this year because I am tired of the same boring poses that the studios do. So me (the famous photographer that I am -HA!) and my assistant, Halley took the boys to the WRAL Azalea Gardens which was the perfect spot for spring pictures. My subjects however were not the perfect angels that I needed them to be to get the perfect picture so this is what I got. Peyton was very cranky & wanted to be held the entire time so it was very difficult to get a good shot of him. Kent was good because he wanted his gum that I promised if he would take a good picture. He had a great time because the gardens have all these different trails to run around in and his favorite was the fountain.
This is my favorite out of all of them:

This is best I was able to get:

This is what most of them look like:

We tried everything including having the boys sit on me:

All of Kent's pictures were good:

And I was able to get good ones of Peyton as long as I was holding him:

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