Peyton has 2 teeth now & is very needy. He wants to be held most of the day and is up every 2hours at night and then only takes 15 min naps during the day. Needless to say, I'm exhausted. However, the kid has a sense of humor that keeps Jeff and I laughing. Today as we were sitting around having family time I would prompt him to say, Ma Ma and like a little parrot he would repeat it. Then Jeff or I would prompt him to say, Da Da and he would shake his head "No" and laugh! Priceless moment. Most of the day he was shaking his head no, its cute now but I can see already that its going to cause problems in the future.
I switched both boys over to cloth diapers this week to save money (and the environment, I guess :). Both boys seem to like them ok and they look so cute on them! I couldn't believe that they are 2 years a part and wear the same size!
Peyton Playing at the Train Table

Peyton LOVES his brother!

Many have described this as Peyton's GQ pose...whatever that means
Bath Time
The boys in their matching FuzziBuns!
Kent loves his "baby"
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